Office cleaning is not just about keeping your space clean and tidy. It’s about keeping your workspace safe and uncluttered so you can focus on the day-to-day tasks at hand without distraction. In a commercial office space, furniture plays a large role in creating a positive environment for employees. However, commercial cleaning is different from residential cleaning in that your office space will have a variety of furniture styles and materials, some of which may be more challenging to clean than others. If you work from home, or out of an office with a home-like décor, you may not have to worry about how to best clean your furniture. However, if your business is more traditional and has cubicles, desks, chairs, and conference tables, maintaining your workspace will be different than if you had rugs, a couch, or a sectional couch and chairs with arms. Here are some tips for cleaning your office space when you have lots of furniture:

Start with an audit.

Before you clean anything, take a look at your space and decide what needs cleaning. If you have a professional cleaning service, they may do this for you, but you can do it yourself if you want. You don’t want to clean everything at once, but rather focus on one area at a time so you don’t overwhelm yourself. Start with your conference tables and chairs, then move on to your cubicle walls. This will help you see what needs to be addressed. And don’t forget to look at the ceiling and all the nooks and crannies in and around your furniture. This will help you prioritize.

Choose the right cleaning product.

Some cleaning products may be too harsh for your office furniture. You’ll want to select a cleaning product that is safe for your furniture, but strong enough to remove stains and bad smells. You’ll also want to make sure your cleaning product is environmentally friendly and doesn’t contain any chemicals you don’t want in your office.

Use the right tools.

You’ll need a variety of tools to clean your commercial office space. You’ll need cleaning supplies like buckets, mops and buckets, sponges, and brushes, as well as dustpans, brooms, and cloths that can be used for daily cleaning. You may also want to invest in a commercial steam cleaner for steam cleaning, foggers, and cleaning sprays.

Clean your furniture

When cleaning your furniture, you want to target stains first, followed by dust and dirt. To remove stains, you can use an enzymatic cleaner for a variety of stains, like coffee, blood, or wine. Once the stains are gone, use a microfiber cloth to remove dust and dirt. You can use a commercial cleaning solution that is safe for your furniture, or use water and a natural cleaner like vinegar or baking soda.

Don’t forget the high-traffic areas.

You’ll want to focus on cleaning the high-traffic areas in your office. These are the places that are used most often, such as the kitchen area and the break room. When cleaning these high-traffic areas, you’ll also want to consider the health of your employees. You’ll want to clean these areas often enough to remove bacteria and germs, but not so often that employees get annoyed.


Office cleaning is not just about keeping your space clean and tidy. It’s about keeping your workspace safe and uncluttered so you can focus on the day-to-day tasks at hand without distraction. For this reason, you’ll want to make sure that your office is clean and tidy so your employees and customers can concentrate on their work without worrying about a messy workspace. When cleaning your office, you’ll want to start with an audit, choose the right cleaning product, use the right tools, and focus on the high-traffic areas. With these simple tips, you’ll be able to clean your office and maintain a clean, tidy space that your employees can work in comfortably.